Father and his two male children live in a house without women. The most everyday tasks become real adventures when preparing breakfast, buying new clothes or doing chores are faced by an inexperienced dad. When an older brother has to go on a long journey, both father and younger brother must learn to communicate despite not having a very close relationship. Test
Ganadora Estímulos económicos Concurso nacional de proyectos de producción escénica. Mincul (Lima, Perú)
Selección Oficial Encuentro Internacional Danza PUCP (Lima, Perú)
It is a space of constant discovery, reflection and learning
Marina Morales
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda laudantium magnam debitis nobis, rem et libero, optio suscipit, est ipsum omnis quia sunt dolor!
Marina Morales optio suscipit Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facilis, sit.
Es espacio de constante descubrimiento, reflexión y aprendizaje
Maria Reitche
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